After the Peanut
Inspired by George Washington Carver, After the Peanut focuses on the power of knowledge and education in the face of adversity and challenges. We promote STEM and leadership to both the student and educational professional. Our goal is to transform the world by solving problems through innovation, creativity, design thinking and collaboration.
Animal Reiki with Amber
Animal Reiki With Amber helps provide a restorative balance for your pet through energetic healing. This connection opens the space for your pet to heal on a physical, spiritual, and mental level.
I will be sharing Animal Reiki information and possible mini sessions for pets on site (if applicable).
Anti-Racism Committee (ARC)
“Racism Breaks Our Hearts” is presented by the Anti-Racism Committee (ARC) of the Sisters of St. Francis. This display is both informational and interactive. Come visit and share your feelings and insights to how to eliminate racism in these troubling times!
The Apparent Project
Our Mission: Empowering Haitian Families
Our focus is to “make the needs of Haiti known,” to support opportunities for Haitians to provide for themselves and their families, empowering them to rise out of poverty… to be able to keep their families together… to avoid relinquishing their children to orphanages… providing educational opportunities for both parents & their children.
Barb and Mar's Crafts
Sell hand stitched, embroidered items: kitchen towels, pillowcases, bags, aprons. Hand made all-occasion cards.
Beads By Chelle
I create paper beads from upcycled and recycled paper, all sealed with non toxic sealants, and use these beads to make unique jewelry and accessories.

Sale of LOCAL, RAW HONEY! Look for information ON POLLINATORS and which PLANTS to grow in order to support your local friendly BEE.
Blacksmith, Steven Helis

Steven Helis has been practicing the craft of Blacksmithing for over 30 yrs. He will show how to heat and hammer recycled steel into useful items. Things that can be used at home, in the garden or for camping & cooking outdoors. He will also offer Souvenir Horseshoes for sale & make your own necklace station, at which you can punch your name into a medallion.
Bronkberry Farms will be selling annual flowers, hanging baskets, vegetable plants, our “local honey” jams, pickles, salsa, and metal yard art. Please stop by our booth for samples of our new products, and see what the buzz is on some new flower varieties!
Butter Duck Farms
Handmade natural skin and hair care products. Soaps, lotions, aluminum free deodorants, herbal salves, lip balms and more.
Cards Designed by Mary Lou,osf
Watercolor greeting cards for all occasions.
Cathy Mikoff
Nature scene centerpieces: twig, pinecone, birds. Bottle art and jar art decorated with paper roses, twigs, material flowers, lace, ribbon, pearls. Paper roses. Handmade turquoise jewelry.
The Center
Taking part in the Wellness Corner at Bluestem! Stop by for 5 minute massage, information about services and more.
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)
The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) is Chicagoland’s regional planning agency sharing information on regional planning and environment issues. See for more information.
Christine’s Creations
Sharing my love of baking and growing plants and herbs. I hold a certificate in horticulture and as Associate Degree in Science. I will be selling her herbs and flowers (organic) as well as bakery and repurposed glass pieces.
Citizens Against Ruining the Environment ~ C.A.R.E.
“C.A.R.E. (Citizens Against Ruining the Environment) is an all volunteer 501-c3 environmental organization dedicated to protect Mother Earth. Work on issues such as air & groundwater & reducing plastic consumption.
Citizens' Climate Lobby
Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a grassroots, nonpartisan organization focused on training volunteers to engage elected officials on policy to reduce fossil fuel emissions.
Citizens Utility Board
The Citizens Utility Board (CUB) is a nonprofit, statewide utility watchdog organization created by the Illinois General Assembly to work for lower electric, natural gas, and telephone rates for residential and small-business consumers. Have a utility complaint? Call us at 1-800-669-5556 or visit us online at
City of Joliet Arborist
City of Joliet Arborist. I will have a variety saplings to give away and tree information.
City of Joliet - Stormwater Display
The City’s management of stormwater cleanliness (quality) is governed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through the National Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit process. Residents will be encouraged to participate in environmentally conscience storm water management through the use of rain barrels, rain gardens, and the proper disposal of trash, pet waste, oil, and other contaminants. Contaminants and debris should never be dumped into a storm sewer drain as these contaminants directly affect the water quality of our streams and rivers.
** Fish from display will be given away at the end of the day!
ComEd is an energy deliver company to customers across the Northern Illinois Region. Our primary focus for attending Bluestem is to educate and bring awareness to all ComEd customers about our energy efficiency programs and offerings.
The Conservation Foundation
The Conservation Foundation is local nonprofit land and water conservation organization working in northern Illinois. In Will County we provide coordination for the Lower DuPage River Watershed Coalition and the Lower DesPlaines Watershed Group in addition to working with the Forest Preserve District of Will County to preserve natural open spaces. We also coordinate the Conservation@Home program working with private landowners to create healthy, functional landscapes.
Contrary Mary's Plants
We Specialize in the Unusual! We proudly grow over 100 varieties of Heirloom tomato plants, over 40 varieties of Heirloom pepper plants, and other “gotta-have” herbs and veggies! Although not certified organic, we use only non-GMO seeds, organic fertilizers, and absolutely no pesticides. We will also have available some of our very own Nector From The Bee Gods (aka raw honey) for sale, along with handmade Mason Bee boxes. We firmly and enthusiastically Support Our Local Pollinators!
Diocese of Joliet Justice & Peace Office/CRS Ethical Trade
The Diocese of Joliet Justice & Peace Ministry, in partnership with Catholic Relief Services markets CRS Ethical Trade including SERRV products and Equal Exchange coffee, tea and chocolate, supporting marginalized artisans and farmers around the world.
Drover's Trail Natural Farms
We are a local Natural Farm. We offer several varieties of fresh vegetables, eggs, chicken, beef and prepared foods made with most of our ingredients.
Evolve 2 Earth
Products such as specific Essential Oil Blends, to formulate Beard Oil, Body butters, washes, and deodorants. All are from scratch from raw organic ingredients. Such as Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Herbal infusion, and Essential Oils.
I also have a trademark line called “Mama Be Well” An all natural, Organic approach to Mama and Baby holistic care. Through, Organic washes and body butters to sooth and calm Mama and Baby. Body Salves for Scars, Stretch marks and Personal Mama care.
Fairmont Community Partnership Group, Inc.
Forest Preserve District of Will County
The forest preserve is dedicated to protecting, conserving, enhancing, and promoting will county’s natural heritage for the educational, recreational, and educational benefit of present and future generations.
Fox Valley Wildlife Center
Fox Valley Wildlife Center Valley Wildlife Center is
• A wildlife hospital for wild animals in need of help
• A resource for people concerned about and frustrated by wildlife
• A state and federally licensed facility
• A private, 501(c)3 non-profit organization, relying solely on donations and grants.
Our Goal:
Most of the animals that we receive were impacted by man in some way. They were caught by a cat, hit by a car, or become tangled in fishing lines. Our goal is to release these animals back in to the wild because they deserve a second chance.
We will be bringing our Canada goose, Lucy, materials about our center and information about wildlife in general for the public to take home. We will also have take home activity sheets for children. We look forward to answering questions from the public and talking about the work that we do.
Fraternite Notre Dame, Inc DBA St Roger Abbey
Free From Harm
Free from Harm is a 501©(3) non profit charitable organization promoting farmed animal rescue, education and advocacy and registered in the state of Illinois. Through animal rescue, education and advocacy, Free from Harm seeks to transform society’s attitudes about violence and oppression. We are dedicated to ending animal exploitation and healing our planet through education and grassroots activism and promote veganism as a moral imperative and social justice.
Grandpa's Greens and Things
We sell live Succulent plants in ceramic planters, starter sets an in decorative containers, as well as some key chains etc.
GreenTown: The Future of Community is designed to help create sustainable communities. Since 2007, mayors and other elected officials, city managers, public works directors, park district directors, planners, developers, builders, architects, landscape architects, engineers, school leaders, teachers, healthcare professionals, environmental advocates – and many others interested in sustainable development – have gathered to hear inspiring speakers, learn from been-there case studies, and discuss actionable steps to make communities–and people and planet–healthier. At GreenTown, people learn, network, and act.
Healthy Alternatives - Shaklee
I have helped educate people on the importance of choosing biodegradable,non toxic cleaners for over 21 years. I will have a display of these products from the Shaklee Corporation. Shaklee has been a pioneer in the industry since 1960 when they introduced Products In Harmony with Nature. These cleaners were chosen by Jacques Cousteau to be used on his ships, so as not to harm sea life. Also used in the Biosphere 2 Project and in the White House.
HEAR US Inc. Raising awareness of and compassion for families and youth experiencing homelessness.
Heifer International
Heifer International is a non-profit, humanitarian organization committed to ending poverty and hunger. We will attend in order to provide free global educational resources to the public.
Helpers of Mother Earth
Helpers of Mother Earth is a volunteer group based in Joliet with the goal to protect wildlife, make Joliet a “clean living” safer community and maintain America’s Heritage. We don’t have a membership fees, dues, etc. free . . free . . free. We ask everyone in the area to contribute 2 hours twice a year to build on the successes of past H.O.M.E. Teamwork and Partnerships. We always take photos+ (the fun part) see on, facebook or Google for newspaper articles, etc. H.O.M.E. Teamwork is about “Utilizing our Personal Power . . . to Respect: Nature, Community & Each Other”
Virgil Kemp – Founder
Help Save Pets
Help Save Pets is a local no-kill animal rescue. We have 9 locations – 7 in the Chicagoland area and 2 in Ohio.
Illinois Association of Naturopathic Physicians
Founded in 1999 and incorporated in 2003, the Illinois Association of Naturopathic Physicians, represents the interests of naturopathic medicine in the state of Illinois. The ILANP is a non-profit association, with membership comprised of naturopathic physicians, students, and supporters, who live in Illinois. Our vision is “To create full access to safe and comprehensive naturopathic healthcare for the residents of Illinois.” We will be providing information on naturopathic medicine and naturopathic doctors.
Illinois Department of Natural Resources - Goose Lake Prairie State Natural Area
Goose Lake Prairie State Natural Area, located outside Morris, IL, is the largest remnant prairie left in Illinois. Goose Lake Prairie offers hiking trails, picnic areas, historic Cragg Cabin, and a Visitor Center. Adjacent Heidecke Lake offers fishing and hunting opportunities.
Illinois Sierra Club
The Illinois Sierra Club is committed to protecting our precious natural resources. We will have information about Sierra Club hikes and events in Will County and throughout the state. We will also collect signatures on our petition calling for a moratorium on large warehouses and distribution centers in Will County until a comprehensive land use and transportation plan is in place that protects sensitive natural areas and residents’ quality of life.
Illinois Solar Energy Association
The Illinois Solar Energy Association (ISEA) is a non-profit organization that promotes the widespread application of solar and other forms of renewable energy through our mission of education and advocacy. ISEA is the state resource for renewable energy related policy developments, educational classes, events and access to local renewable energy businesses.
InSpirit Adornments
InSpirit Wellness
I have handmade jewelry with nature themes, essential oil diffuser jewelry, StarWest essential oils, bath salts.
Ivory Ink Design
Handmade paper crafts, greeting cards and gift items.
Ivy Nicole Natural Remedies
Handmade natural products for overall health and beauty.
Joliet Junior College
Learn more about the horticulture curriculum, JJC CSA promotion
Joliet Montessori School Adolescent Class
Joliet Montessori School offers a classic Montessori education that is respectful, flexible and natural. We follow each individual child’s interests rather than following an imposed curriculum. In helping children to reach toward their full potential, we “…endeavor always to keep burning within them the light which is called intelligence” (Maria Montessori). While the basic learning tools are covered, the focus is not upon acquiring of skills and memorizing of facts, but of application. The use of resources to responsibly follow one’s bliss.
Joliet Montessori School was founded in 1966. Our campus has two structures; the Main Building and the Adolescent House (for the middle school students).
As life is happiest with a balance of comfort and challenge, our stated Mission is “Joliet Montessori School inspires students to engage academically and socially every day, developing independence, a love of work, and a respect for all”. Students are encouraged to LEARN HOW TO LEARN and LEARN HOW TO INTERACT WITH OTHERS rather than having their education imposed upon them. This will set them up for an adult life full of learning, change, opportunity and responsibility. “Passion for Learning. Success for Life” is our school motto.
We will be at Bluestem promoting all the programs at our school. Our adolescent students will also be promoting their microbusinesses that are part of their academic program.
Joliet Noon Lions Club
Lions are men and women who volunteer their time to service humanitarian causes in their local and world communities. They will be collecting eye glasses, hearing aids, pull tabs, used ink cartridges, keys and cell phones.
La Leche League of the Illinois Valley
We are a non for profit, volunteer run mother to mother breastfeeding support group. I will be providing information about the group, the benefits of breastfeeding to mom babies and the general public, and how breastfeeding is green!
Leaf Filter Gutter Protection
We provide a product that we install on peoples’ gutters so they don’t have to clean them. These are popular with folks who harvest rainwater because all of the water flows through a micro filter before flowing through the gutters.
Rep. Natalie Manley
Stop by her table and discuss environmental topics!
Mary's Wholesome Living
Mary’s Wholesome Living keeps the lost arts of canning, fermentation, preservation and baking alive through her locally sourced artisanal preserves, pickles and ferments. Sample new combinations or travel back to past memories with staples such as strawberry rhubarb jam, delicious dill pickles, and fermented sauerkraut. Mary also teaches classes if you want to brush up on homemaking skills or learn to make your own wholesome foods.
Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie
Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie is a unit of the USDA Forest Service. We are located approximately one hour south of Chicago on IL Route 53 (Old Route 66). Recreation opportunities include hiking, biking, horseback riding, picnicking, nature watching. At Bluestem Earth Festival we will be sharing information about Midewin – prairie restoration, bison, recreation and volunteer opportunities.
Midwest Pesticide Action Center
Midwest Pesticide Action Center is a not for profit with the mission to reduce pesticide use by promoting safer alternatives. At this event we will be use educational games and demonstrations to help the public transition to more sustainable lawn care.
Monarch Butterfly Table - Our Lady of Angels Retirement Home
Interested in Monarchs? Did you know Our Lady of Angels Retirement Home (OLA) is a registered Certified Monarch Butterfly Waystation? Stop by OLA’s table and speak with Monarch expert, Carol Baranski. Learn how to identify male and female Monarchs, educate yourself on their migration patterns and find out how to become certified yourself! Make sure to take a look at some of Carol’s beautiful photos.
National Hook Up of Black Women, Inc.
Provide new and gently used books to children and adults. Real Men Read will read to children.
Nativity House
Nativity House is an intentional Catholic community and a house of hospitality for expectant mothers rooted in the tradition of Catholic Social Teaching and the Catholic Worker Farm. Our goal is to cultivate a healing environment focused on the dignity of each person, the dignity of work, and stewardship of the earth.
Natural Wisdom Photography
Selling framed and unframed prints.
Nicor Gas
Nicor Gas Energy Efficiency Dept promoting rebates and program offerings.
Northern Illinois Food Bank
Northern Illinois Food Bank – a proud member of Feeding America – is the source of nutritious food, innovative feeding programs, and hope for more than 71,500 people each week. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a goal of solving hunger in our 13-county service area, we rely on our generous donors, volunteers, and community partners – the local food pantries and feeding programs, food manufacturers and retailers, companies, foundations and individuals who join with us in our vision for no one to be hungry in Northern Illinois.
Norwex- A way to clean mechanically vs chemically. Recycle, Reduce, Reuse
Fruit and Vegetable Smoothies, coffee, blueberry muffins and rice Kristy treats.
Founded in 1963, Openlands is one of the nation’s oldest and most successful metropolitan conservation organizations, having helped secure, protect, and provide public access to more than 55,000 acres of land for parks, forest preserves, wildlife refuges, land and water greenway corridors, and urban gardens.
Osun's Mist
Osun’s Mists are essential oil sprays for cleaning and clearing your spirit and space. Spray your yoga mat, closets, car, drawers, pet area, office, and linens any item or area that needs to be refreshed.
Pax Christi Will County
Pax Christi is a Catholic peace with justice movement grounded in the Gospel and Catholic social teaching. PC Will County, PC IL and PC USA are all sections of Pax Christi International. Our vision is a more peaceful, just and sustainable world through the efforts of our members and in collaboration with other groups. Nonviolence respects and protects the earth and its creatures. Violence destroys them.
Pilcher Park Nature Center
Pilcher Park Nature Center is a part of Joliet Park District. We are located in a log cabin on the east side of Joliet. We offer programs, field trips, early learning center and special events. We are open to the public for free 7 days a week. There are animals to see inside and many miles of hiking trails in the forest. We will have some animal ambassadors that live at the Nature Center and other things to touch and learn about all from nature around us.
Pop Tab Pandemonium
Those flimsy aluminum rings on beverage and food cans? How on earth do pop-tabs support Ronald McDonald House? What can you do with a pop-tab?
Pop-tabs remind us of an important lesson: even little things make a big difference.
Ronald McDonald House provides a Home Away From Home for families who must travel for their child’s medical care. Far from friends and loved ones, parents and siblings need a safe, affordable place where they find comfort and hope.
Ronald McDonald House depends on friends – like you – to help us lift the hearts of children and families from the hurt of today to the hope of tomorrow.
Collecting pop-tabs and cans helps RMHC pay the bills so moms and dads need not worry about where they will stay while their children are in the hospital.
While RMHC only accepts tabs, we will collect and recycle both the can and the tabs. Recycling the whole can will result in more money for Ronald McDonald House.
Sims Metal Management buys the tabs and cans at market rate and they also generously donate their pick-up and handling services, so the income from pop-tabs and cans is pure profit.
Portiuncula Center for Prayer
“The Portiuncula Center for Prayer nestled in St. Francis Woods and rooted in the Franciscan tradition, is a sacred space of welcome for those seeking peace of mind, body, and spirit.”
Presence St Joseph Medical Center, Outpatient Nutrition & Diabetes Center
I am a Registered Dietitian from PSJMC’s Outpatient Nutrition & Diabetes Center. I will be providing nutritional information.
PUMC Green Team
The Plainfield United Methodist Church’s Green Team will be on hand to promote the 2018 Plainfield Really Really Free Market
The Really Really Free Market Mission:
“To come together as a community to redistribute items that are no longer needed or wanted in order to put those items directly into the hands of those who can use or need them. It’s purpose its threefold- help the environment, reduce our clutter, help those in need.”
The Rustic Home
Upcycled and repurposed furniture.
Scents of Syria
Scents of Syria is supporting refugees by selling traditional ancient recipie soap and embroidered cotton pouches made by refugee women.
Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary, sscm
One Heart, One Soul Spirituality Center (2041 W. Route 1113, Kankakee, Illinois is a spot of beauty and quiet, nestled along the Kankakee River. The Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary (SSCM) invite you or groups to “Come and See” and renew your Spirit in prayer, beauty and solitude. The Center is available for days of prayer, group meetings, and workshops, as well as for overnight retreats. You will provide your own leaders and meals. A kitchen is available. There are extensive grounds for outdoor prayer and reflection with a labyrinth. There are also two private hermitages. Each is a place for solitude and prayer with a private bedroom, bath and cooking facilities. 815-937-2244.
Nazareth Spirituality Center in Batavia, 717 N. Batavia, is a haven for reflection and restoring the spirit. Nazareth is available for days of prayer, group meetings, workshops, Staff days, and overnight retreats, with your group providing its own retreat leaders and meals. There are also extensive, beautiful grounds for outdoor prayer and reflection. The Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary (SSCM) invite you or groups to renew your Spirit in prayer, beauty and solitude. 630-879-1296
ShareFest Will County
ShareFest Will County is an organized group operating under the umbrella of the United Way of Will County, whose members and partners come from Will County 501 C 3’s, community groups, churches, religious organizations, elected officials, municipal and local government, medical service providers, businesses and concerned citizens devoting their time, talent, and efforts to help those in need throughout Will County.
Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate
The Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate are a Franciscan Religious community of women and Associates centered in the Unites States an Brazil. We are committed to the Gospel way of life in the spirit of Saints Francis and Clare. In that spirit we live united in prayer and service where we see a need. We take special care to speak and act for the poor, the voiceless, for the earth and all its peoples.
Sitka Salmon Shares
Since 2011, our fishery’s provided fish-loving Midwesterners the absolute best in premium and sustainable wild-caught Alaskan seafood — through an over 4,000-member strong Community Supported Fishery (CSF) and a network of regional partners. In 2017, we established a national presence, made possible by our shipped share program.
At Salmon Shares, we believe: that sustainable food systems are built on the principles of accountability and transparency; that resilient communities are the bedrock of a healthy, sustainable food system; that food systems should be fair to small responsible producers (supporting socio-economic justice for our fishermen); and that we must protect
the health of our fish and habitats (our fishing families use fishing methods that minimize negative ecological impacts associated with harvest, we purchase carbon offsets, and we return 1 percent of our revenue to fisheries conservation efforts.
St. Anthony of Padua Franciscan Fraternity
We are a local fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order. As we follow the Trinity in the way of Francis and Clare, we seek to care for all creatures, human and otherwise!
Tom's Birdhouses
Handmade, custom birdhouses for all birds.
University of Illinois
Promoting programs that are offered by Univ of Illinois Extension and answering questions from the public. Display microgreens, honey hive (box only) and fliers.
University of St. Francis Council for Environmental Awareness
Student organization at the University of St. Francis focused on promoting sustainability in our campus community.
University of St. Francis Leach College of Nursing
USF is a nonprofit university serving the Joliet area.
Waste Management
Waste & Recycling Hauler for University and the municipal area.
Water With Blessings
Water With Blessings is a ministry that equips, empowers and entrusts mothers of young children to serve families in her community by filtering water for her own family and some of her neighbors. The Sawyer filter used in this ministry will be demonstrated at Bluestem.
Wild Blossom Meadery & Winery
Wild Blossom Meadery & Winery will be sampling mead & wine. Mead is the most sustainable wine on Earth. Mead is make locally with local honey in Beverly Hills neighborhood of Chicago.
Will County Beekeepers Association
WillBees is a non-profit organization that raises awareness of the products and services of the honey bee hive, encourages cooperation among local beekeepers, contributes to the advancement of education about beekeeping and its related activities, and offers support to our members and neighboring communities.
Will County Green Curbside Recycling
Will County provides many services to residents and businesses, including environmental and energy efficiency assistance. Our Collection programs promote waste reduction, reuse, recycling and proper disposal. Please see our “green” website or Facebook page for more information!
Will County Habitat for Humanity
We will be promoting the Habitat for Humanity mission of building affordable housing for all; as well as, the many forward thinking services we offer the community through our affiliates and our ReStore.
Will County Health Department
Will County Health Department Environmental Health Division will be bringing radon test kits, water sample bottles for wells, info on west nile virus, wells, septics, radon, and other brochures and giveaways.
Wings And Talons
Meet and learn about Birds of Prey at Bluestem Earth Festival. Trained raptor handlers from Wings and Talons will talk about and answer your questions.
Wings and Talons is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that is staffed by all volunteers, who are dedicated to promoting awareness and conservation of raptors through educational programs. The raptors come to our care after a rehabilitation process has determined that they are not releasable back to the wild, at which point we take them in and commit to their care for the rest of their natural lives. We are completely dependent on donations from the public and programs we take the raptors to, and 100% of all donations go directly for the care of the raptors. We volunteer our time for their care and at programs throughout the year at public events and at schools
Women of Faith for Justice
“Women of Faith for Justice” is an inclusive, multicultural, interfaith group of peace & social justice advocates coming together at Sacred Heart Monastery in Lisle for mutual support & to respond to the needs of women locally & globally.Our mission: “Standing on the shoulders of the women who have gone before us, engaging the next generation of women, we claim our voices and respond to the movement of the Spirit within us. Our goal: to move toward becoming a circle of women that can work together effectively for justice across differences in a way that diverse voices are heard. We warmly invite & welcome all women who share our mission and goal to join us. We have participated in several “Bluestem Earth Festivals and are very grateful to the Joliet Franciscan Sisters for the opportunity again this year. Together we can protect and help sustain our planet and all of its creatures.